Cyber Ally

In the wake of the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless other Black Americans, the cyber community was searching for a means to support their Black colleagues, discuss race, and help eradicate systemic racism. #ShareTheMicInCyber was born to help the community take individual action to just that. We hope participation is one small step in your commitment to eradicating racism and bigotry of all kinds.

How does it work?

As a Cyber Ally (Ally), you will be partnered with a Black Cyber Practitioner (BCP) to share their professional journey, expertise, and engage in dialogue on your social media platform, Twitter and/or LinkedIn. We don’t ask you to share the “keys” to you social media but rather you partner will share content in advance and we encourage pairs to find creative ways to engage during the campaign.

Additionally you will join the #ShareTheMicInCyber community of past and present participants to expand your network and keep the collaboration going. We encourage you participate as many times as you’d like!