“Racism, like cybersecurity, is a national security issue. We chose to address combating systemic and institutional racism through the national security lens based on our shared experience in that domain. We recognize that our security will suffer if we do not prioritize diversity in this field.”

— Lauren Zabierek, Co-founder

Past Rounds


June 26, 2020

The Inaugural campaign came on the heals of the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others. The cyber community wanted to get involved and this campaign provided an opportunity to showcase the power of individual action.

October 23, 2020

In round 2 we continued the conversation on the importance of diversity and eradicating systemic racism as part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. We launched parallel programming with partners to promote skill building, community, and access.


March 19, 2021

In March we amplified Black women in security and privacy in celebration of Women’s History Month. Rep. Lauren Underwood welcomed participants to the 3rd round with this empowering and important message.

Reach of #ShareTheMicInCyber Round 3 - March 2021

Reach of #ShareTheMicInCyber Round 3 - March 2021

October 21, 2021 participants focused their #ShareTheMicInCyber discussions on public-private partnerships.

Amid increasing ransomware attacks on the private sector, the new Executive Order, and confirmation of the new National Cyber Director, all eyes are on collaboration between the public and private sectors to bolster our cyber resilience and protect our nation. Grassroots movements, like #ShareTheMicInCyber, can be an important forum to cultivate the trust that will drive public-private collaboration. Therefore, Round 4 of #ShareTheMicInCyber on October 22 2021 will focus on Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) in cyber.  

This conversation and this work continues!

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