
In partnership with R Street’s Making Space Initiative

CyberBase is a curated, interactive talent list that will be open to recruiters, policymakers, influencers, and key decision-makers, so they can partner with #MakingSpace to spotlight and empower underrepresented cybersecurity professionals. This collective network of cybersecurity professionals will cover the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, granting nominees insider access to industry town halls and national policy discussions, as well as exposure to branding opportunities on panels, at conferences, and across other public-facing engagements.

Sadly, the technology, cyber and national security fields are among some of the least-diverse fields, and the most resistant to change. Not only is this issue long overdue for correction, but the lack of diversity is directly counterproductive to creating sound policy and innovation in these fields.
— Tatyana Bolton, R Street

Nominate Black Cyber Pros for CyberBase

Nominate yourself and/or your favorite Black cyber professionals for CyberBase.

There is so much talent in this industry.

Meet some of the CyberBase experts